"Mr. Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound!"
After a Corona induced break, nearly 50 of our students, all of them either “Top Leaguers” or students from class 5c, revived a cherished tradition of our school: we made it back to the English Theatre for a truly amazing night with Sherlock Holmes, this greatest detective of all times, who, assisted by Dr Watson, hunts down the monstrous “Hound of the Baskervilles”.
Ken Ludwig (you might remember his hilarious “Othello darf nicht platzen”) is the author of this stage adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle’s original novel. The result is a fast-paced story full of humour and action. Lots of work for the five actors who portray some 40 characters in at least a dozen different locations. And definitely a good laugh for us in the audience.
“On 14 December 2022 we visited the English Theatre with the Top League. Personally, I quite liked the play. I found it very impressive that only five actors played so many roles. The actors also told the story very well. It was very interesting to see a different theatre and a great opportunity.”
Anika, 4AK
“The actors were extremely funny and I really liked the scenes where they presented portraits.”
Emma, 2BK
“We had a really nice evening. It is unusual to go on a school excursion in the evening, but it was totally worth it. The actors played their roles with passion and not only the script was funny - also how the actors implemented it. I would definitely recommend the English theatre.”
Lara, 5CK
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